

Mfd. by :- Bayer Pharma (Fulfilled By : Magicine Pharma)

Nexavar 200mg Tablet


Magicine Pharma is registered with the Government Of NCT, India, Ministry Of Health in Government of Delhi, India, registration number DL-RAJ-122372 and as a wholesale distributor, department file No. 44208.

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Don't have Prescription ?

Brand name – Nexavar

Generic name – Sorafenib

Manufacture – Bayer Pharma

Strength – 200mg

Dosage – Tablet

Composition – Sorafenib

Indication – liver cancer

Storage – at a cool place

Overview of Nexavar 200mg tablet

Nexavar 200mg Tablet is an anticancer medicine that helps to treat liver cancer that cannot be treated by surgery, advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC), and certain types of thyroid cancer that spread to other parts of the body that cannot be treated with radioactive iodine. The patients are advised to strictly follow the prescription of a doctor for better results. If the patient faces any issues after starting treatment rather than those regular days inform your doctor.


Nexavar 200mg Tablet reduces tumor cells in the patient's body by blocking kinases who is responsible for tumor growth. Nexavar stops signaling, which will stop the growth and division of cancer cells in the patient's body. The benefits of the Tablet are seen in a few weeks or months depending on the health of the patients after starting treatment. However, to see the full benefit it can take several months or years. As to healthcare professionals. Nexavar is a powerful and very effective Tablet for the treatment of live cancer. However, it is important for patients to discuss of benefits and side effects at the beginning of treatment.

Alternate Brands

  • Sorafenat
  • Soranib
  • Sorafeb
  • Mapsonib
  • Shilfenib
  • Sonora


Nexavar: Drug information available at: https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-94784/sorafenib-oral/details

Nexavar: Drug Uses, mechanism, and Side Effects available at: https://go.drugbank.com/drugs/DB00398

Side effects of Nexavar 200mg tablet

Nexavar 200mg tablet causes several side effects, if these symptoms do not go away in a few days inform the doctor.

  • Weakness
  • Tiredness
  • Hair loss
  • Itching
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Weight loss
  • Dry moth
  • Pain in hand and feet
  • Joint pain
  • Headache
  • Unusual bleeding
  • Blood in stools
  • Fever
  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chet pain
  • Short breath
  • Dizziness
  • Excessive amount of sweating
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Confusion
  • Vision changes
  • Rash
  • Skin redness
  • Dark urine
  • Pain in upper stomach
  • Mouth sores

If the above-mentioned symptoms are seen in the patients, do not avoid these symptoms because this Tablet has severe side effects. Try to contact the doctor immediately for treatment.


Nexavar is taken in tablet form twice a day or as per the doctor's prescription. Nexavar should be taken without food, two hours after or one hour before the meal. To get benefits soon, take this Tablet strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Taking this Tablet in the wrong way may give you severe side effects.

The patients should take this medicine whole with water.

If the patient feels well then continue Nexavar, do not stop taking it without consulting the doctor.

Missed Dose

It is advisable not to miss any dose. In case you miss a dose of Nexavar Tablet 200mg consult your doctor soon.


In case of overdose, it is advisable to contact your healthcare provider or doctor and the doctor will provide you with medical attention. Some symptoms show overdose which are diarrhea, rash, or other skin problems.

Missing or overdosing will impact on your overall health. So, it is always advisable to follow the prescription of the doctor strictly.


Nexavar 200mg Tablet may cause allergic reactions in some patients. Therefore, it is necessary to read complete information about this Tablet.

The patients should inform the doctor about the current medicines which are taking or taken whether it is prescribed or non-prescribed, herbal, or vitamins. Nexavar may interact with those medicines and furthermore, they will affect the mechanisms.

Pregnant women are not advised to take this. Breastfeeding women should not take this medicine, meet the doctor before taking it.

At the beginning of treatment inform the doctor about the previous medical conditions or ongoing-

heart problems

bleeding problem

high blood pressure

low level of potassium

Q1. What is a Nexavar 200mg Tablet?

Ans – The Nexavar Tablet is used to treat liver cancer.

Q2. Where should I store this Tablet?

Ans – Store below 30 degrees temperature in a dry place.

Q3. From where I will get the Nexavar Tablet?

Ans – You can buy it from Magicine Pharma at an affordable price.

Q4. Can I take Nexavar during pregnancy?

Ans – Pregnant women should consult with their doctor first.

Q5. How long treatment will take with Nexavar?

Ans – It depends upon the stage of cancer and the health of the patients.

Q6. Can I take Nexavar without consulting a doctor?

Ans – Self-medication is strictly prohibited. You are not allowed to take it without consulting the doctor.


Nexavar 200mg Tablet may interact with other medicines and may cause problems so, it is advised to tell about other medicines you taking, because other medicines may interact with Nexavar and cause problems.

With disease

Nexavar will interact with some problems which are heart disease, high blood pressure, blood vessel problems, and liver disease. In other words, at the beginning of the treatment inform the doctor about the medical history.

With alcohol

The patients are advised to consult with the doctor about consumption of alcohol during treatment.

Above Content has been reviewed by Professionals